…has gone through stages.
I arrived in UK in August 2002, to work as a doctor and hopefully, make some progress in my career. With time, I had the opportunity to buy a compact camera, which was then upgraded to a DSLR and finally it was my phone camera when I realised that the type of photographs I ever liked were candid ones. I have a distinct memory from the time I was a teenager looking at street photography in a newspaper magazine in India; so that is in many ways turning a full circle.
Somewhere on the way, there came sketching and drawing, for which I have never been formally trained apart from a rather distasteful spell of three months where I learnt under a rather rigorous teacher how to draw basic shapes and sizes, animals and houses. Over the last few years, I have tried to self-teach painting, at times rueing the fact that I should perhaps have had some formal training in draughtsmanship.
Finally, after a lot of thought, not least because of the investment involved in terms of finance and time, that I took the plunge to develop this website. I hope my love for the arts is perceived through what I have displayed here. I will be happy to know what you think of my untrained efforts and will welcome constructive criticism to help me grow.
Copyright for all work displayed in this website belongs to Samrat Bose and should not be reproduced anywhere without expressed consent in writing.